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● ● ● ● Up Next: Jap Show Finale (Sunday 6th October) at Santa Pod Raceway, £26.00 per adult. Tickets are now available via our Facebook group (alternatively you can pop us a message for the club password)

Writer's pictureSquare Society


It’s that time of year again, time for our yearly Year In Review post…

Where do we start?

We’d like to start off by thanking each and every one of our members and followers, without you there simply wouldn’t be a Square Society!

As a thank you, we've created a collage displaying our members squares from this year, all photos used in our collage have been submitted by our members.


This year marked a very special anniversary for us as a club, we turned 5 years old in 2022! To mark this milestone, we decided to make a full year of it, from new events to new merch and so much more! We’ve split up this lengthy (but entertaining) post to help us to (try) and keep everything sweet!


We closed the website in late 2021 so that we could do a bit of maintenance to the website as well as sort out all of our new stock for 2022. We gave the club’s website a bit of a facelift and slimmed it down a bit, added a load of new pages to the store to accommodate our new merch.


To announce the new launch of our improved website (as well as our anniversary) we launched a load of new stickers (2 new slap stickers, 2 new club stickers & 1 new comedy sticker) and 3 new hoodies!


We did also announce a slew of new merch on April 1st, which we admit was a part of our April Fools, but we did get a load of interest in the merch we had spoofed.


Following on from this, we had a 50% off sale in June to celebrate our 5th anniversary, which was a massive success and to top off our milestone, we announced our Bespoke by Square Society range, our new custom clothing line! (We have now stopped taking requests/orders for Bespoke and will be opening it again, very soon in 2023).


In July, we dropped our second load of new merch, the T-Shirt range, now offering t-shirts for those that drive a Daihatsu Materia, Honda S-MX, Toyota bB as well as Square Society t-shirts and a OnlySquares t-shirt.

Safe to say. We’ve had a great year in terms of stickers and merch!


Our next latest announcement was our Events Planner 2022, for this year we mixed it up! As our first official year back (without all the covid restrictions) we decided to attend our usual shows as well as a few new ones to square things up.


We started this year off with Japfest at Silverstone (instead of our usual Breakfast And Boxes meet) and we had our best turnout for this event yet! It was so great to be back at Japfest for all the JDM-goodness.


Our second event of the year was a completely new event for us. For the first time ever, we attended Jap Show at Santa Pod Raceway. Now, this event completely blew us away! Jap Show was such an epic event and did not fail to disappoint, from the extreme drifting to the entertainment to the sheer amount of cars and talk about that jet car!! The noise was phenomenal! Jap Show is such a large and popular event that Santa Pod hosts the event twice a year, so obviously, we had to go back for more!


Our next event was our very own Breakfast And Boxes, and not just any Breakfast And Boxes! We hosted our Breakfast And Boxes meet on Sunday 19th June (just 2 days after the official founding date of the club), titled, Breakfast And Boxes - 5 Years Of Square Society! To add a bit of extra flavour to the meet, we decided to host our very own little competition at the meet (as well as one online for those that we not able to make it to the event) where 3 lucky winners would be given the prize of a custom t-shirt or hoodie (as well as a few other goodies). We had a very impressive turnout for our anniversary meet as well as brilliant weather and as always, brilliant food from Des and his team at Too Fast Too Filling Cafe.


Our fourth event of the year was JDM Combe at Castle Combe Circuit. This event never fails to impress either, always fully booked to the brim with loads of cars to see as well as a great little trades village and some impressive drifting on track!


Our fifth event of 2022 was our traditional trip to the Beaulieu Motor Museum for Simply Japanese (unfortunately, we were unable to attend this event personally due to a mechanical issue with our square, but our other admin, Tom, was able to attend with everybody else). Simply Japanese was another successful event we attended this year with great weather which really accompanies the Beaulieu grounds & gardens. There was a mass-range of JDM goodies to see also!


The sixth event we attended was Jap Show Finale, and as you probably guessed correctly, it was at Santa Pod Raceway. This is the second Jap Show event prior to the one we attended earlier on in the year. Same format with lots of JDM vehicles, loud entertainment, a huge trades village, loads of food vendors and one bloody loud jet car!


And finally, to finish the year off, we headed back to the Too Fast Too Filling Cafe in Andover for our Breakfast And Boxes - Season Finale. What a perfect event to wind-down after a very long but fun year!


We have some seriously amazing stuff planned for 2023. We’re currently in the middle of reassessing our clothing line, we're also looking into offering some new stickers as well as some of our famous legacy stickers, but we can’t say too much about that, just yet.


We recently announced that we are looking out for new members to join our admin team, we can now confirm that we have picked 6 members to join our admin team (more news on this very soon).


Our 2023 events planner is almost finished and will be launching early January, so keep those eyes peeled! And as an added bonus, we have a little treat for everyone! We’re excited to announce that we’re going to be releasing a FREE CLUB CALENDAR for everyone to enjoy, this will be a digital only calendar that you’ll be able to print off at home (we may look into offering a printed version depending on how much interest we get). Our club calendar will feature all the events we’re attending for 2023 as well as ticket deadlines, so that you don’t forget to book your square into the shows that we’re attending!

Overall, best way to put it is...

Look out for upcoming posts as we start to reveal all! 👀


Like we mentioned at the very start of our post, we’d like to thank each and every one for either being a member of our club, a follower or for even taking photos of squares at the shows, we all appreciate it!

And as always…

Stay Safe

Stay Square

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