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● ● ● ● Up Next: Jap Show Finale (Sunday 6th October) at Santa Pod Raceway, £26.00 per adult. Tickets are now available via our Facebook group (alternatively you can pop us a message for the club password)

Writer's pictureSquare Society


Jap Show was our second event of the year for us and was also our first time at Santa Pod as a a club. Considering it was our first time there as a club, we had record-breaking numbers for our club stand! We had a grand total of 15 squares on our stand (JDM Combe in 2018 held the title of most squares at 13) to which we were blown away by! We had a stand full of Nissan Cubes, a few Daihatsu Materias and we were even joined by a Honda S-MX!

We started the day off in dark and gloomy weather but we were hopeful that the weather would hold out for us, to which it did thankfully! We met all of our members at our chosen pre-meet location so that we could hand out all tickets and vehicle passes to everyone, it also gives everyone a chance to meet everyone briefly and to give their squares a quick wipe down before we head to the show. By 7:40am we were all ready to head on down to Santa Pod, a short but fun 20-25 minute convoy later and we arrived at Santa Pod.

Upon arrival we were directed to our stand space where we all parked "stance" like to allow more space for spectators to roam around our squares and to also accommodate some spectacular photos! When we booked everyone's tickets we chose what area we wanted to be in at the event and lucky enough we got assigned our chosen area, which was the red zone. We were so close to the "strip" that we could literally sit on our roofs and watch the drag racing from there!

Upon entry everyone was given a free printed show guide (which seems very rare these days) to which we personally took advantage of to get the full Santa Pod experience. There was so much to do and so much to see at Santa Pod!

By the time we had finished wiping and cleaning our square it was about 10:30am. We decided that we were going to go and watch some of the drag racing from the spectators banking area (a small hill that runs in-line with the strip. You can literally see the whole event from up there! We were extremely lucky to be able to spectate the amazing FireForce 5 Jet Dragster, what a sight that was! It completed the strip within 5 seconds flat! The sound of the dragster was something else, we had never heard of anything like it! Generally sounded like the sonic boom you use to be able to hear from the amazing Concorde jet from many moons ago.

Photo credit: Santa Pod Raceway

After witnessing the amazing spectacle that is the FireForce 5 Jet Dragster from the banking area, all we had to do is turn around and we could see the Live Action Arena warming up. We were then treated to a spectacular show from the Broke FMX team who put on a cracking show, showing off their amazing stunts on their bikes, jumping from one side of the arena to the other! After that cracking show we were then treated to even more entertainment! Shortly after the Broke FMX team we were then treated to an out-of-this-world drifting display from the incredible Team Maximum Lock team, who showed us what being drift gods are really like! Incredible tandem drifting and stunt drifting, showing off how in-sync they are with each other!

Photo credit: Santa Pod Raceway

After being treated to some of the best displays in years, we then went on to have a mooch around the event. As we were on the other side of the track we thought we'd check out what Santa Pod was offering to everyone. We had a little wonder around the fair ground and even around the neat little "Cars For Sale" section, after that we decided to check out the catering area where there was so much to choose from in terms of what to eat! From the hundreds of catering stands we eventually decided to opt for a juicy large double cheeseburger and humongous jumbo hot dog with buttered-up cheesy fries, which we to die for!

After filling our faces with some proper cooked grub we then eventually took a walk round the club display side, first wondering into the trade stand area and the live stage Arena, we were greeted by some incredible trade stands to the sound of DJ Richie Don & other DJs on the decks in the live stage arena area. Whilst having a bit of a mooch around and a listen to some of the shades of music DJ Richie Don was throwing out, we took a little look at the cars that were on the Show & Shine display.

From what we can understand the Show & Shine display is a first-come first-serve basis which is a bit different from many shows that we attend but nevertheless the cars there was spectacular! This little Honda Acty caught our eyes!

We then ventured on to take a look at all the other clubs that attended Jap Show, there was roughly around 25 or more clubs that attended the event, to which they all gave us all something to look at! It was great to get chatting to other enthusiasts who attended the event a day getting to know more about their cars!

Photo credit: Santa Pod Raceway

Overall we've thoroughly enjoyed Jap Show! We've enjoyed it so much that we're going back again!

All photos used are from the official Santa Pod Raceway album, you can view all of their photos by clicking here or here

You can also check out some photos from the event over at Geared Up Photography

We'd personally like to thank all of our members that booked to come with us to Jap Show, without you we wouldn't have been able to have a club stand at this event! It was great to catch-up with some regular members as well as meet some newbies too! We hope you enjoyed your time at Jap Show Santa Pod as much as we did!


Our next event is not only a Father's Day special but also a special event where we will be celebrating 5 years of Square Society! Make sure to pop along to Too Fast Too Filling café in Andover on Sunday 19th June for our Breakfast And Boxes meet!

We'll be celebrating 5 years of Square Society at this event and it's completely free to attend!

Some come and check out what we've got planned (click here) You can see all of our planned events by clicking here And as always...

Stay Safe Stay Square

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